Thinking about blogging

So this evening I have been thinking about blogging.  No not in the sense of, “hey maybe I should blog about something.”  Rather, I have considered my own blogging experience.  In the past three years I have off and on heavily blogged.

I started writing in June of 2005.  Then it was a work related blog, trying to keep up with other political Jones’ who were using this fancy new tool to great effect.  It became, to me, something more than just another political blog.  It came to be about the issues of the day.  Yes it was positively journal like in nature.  I spent as much time talking about my daily travels with Transit, to taking my kids ice skating for the first time.

Since then I have left that political arena, happily I must add, and I went back to school.  This meant a change for me, I had been reading LDS blogs for a while, since about 2006 I started reading Times and Seasons off and on and some of the others I could find, via the old Bloggernacle Choir website.

However, I was not really able to enter the LDS blogging ring as commentator or blogger until the spring of 2007 when the Mormons went on to PBS.  This along with the Fall General Conference brought me out into the arena.

Next week this blog will officially turn 1 year old, just behind the Juvenile Instructor.  It will be in a sense an achievement, for a single blogger it is time well spent but it certainly can be a frustrating experience trying to think and find things of relevance.  I have appreciated all the comments and compliments from so many others.  It brought a lot of reward when you do these things.

Hopefully next year will grow even better for Banner, Sword, and Shield and I look forward to continuing to interest you and maybe even have more for you all to comment on.

Until tomorrow, good nice Gracie!

2 Responses to Thinking about blogging

  1. Jon W says:

    Thanks J. I appreciate it.

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